June 11

How To: Sliming Your Tires

News, Repairs


I remember when I read my first article about Slime, and had no idea what people were talking about. "What the hell does slime have to do with tires?"

Slime is a brand that falls under ITW Global Tire Repair. Although most people know Slime now for its applications with tires and wheels, the company also makes products for the lawn and garden industry, too.

Slime products will help you to have a safer ride. 

Let's say that you're out on a ride and you're 10 miles away from home, and you've just gotten a flat tire. Now you're either stranded while waiting for a car home, or you're choosing to walk the 10 miles home. Doesn't that sound like a bad position to be in?

If you've chosen to Slime your tires, you won't be in the position above. When you Slime your tires, the slime actually coats the inside of a tire or tube in order to self-repair if you've punctured your tire. Often, you'll find that you won't notice that you've had a leak while using this Slime. It can really elongate the life of your tire overall by how well it self-seals. In fact, on Slime's website, they advertise that you can see "two years of continuous flat tire protection" by using their product. 

So let's talk about how easy it is to Slime your eScooter tires

  1. Move the Valve Stem towards the top of the tire
  2. Remove the valve core
  3. Attach the hose to the tire valve
  4. Inject Slime
  5. Replace Valve Core
  6. Inflate your tire
  7. Repeat this process on your second tire!

At eScootNews, we've Slimed all of our tires after finding out about this product.

When you're working on Sliming your tires...

Just make sure that you've got a pair of gloves handy while working on your project. The ones that I've recommended on the left are Mechanic's Gloves which will allow you to move freely without getting your hands dirty.  

The ones that I've recommended above are Mechanic's Gloves which will allow you to move freely without getting your hands dirty. Thankfully, the Slime is packaged in a way that makes it very easy to deal with. You won't likely be getting Slime on your hands. However, all of the grease and grime on your eScooter will likely get on you while you're handling the tires or various parts surrounding them. No biggee- but help yourself stay clean and get a pair of gloves for working on projects like this. 

You'll also want to have a good bike pump handy to re-inflate your tires at the end of the process. As you might have seen in the video, I failed a bit. I had a bike pump, but I did not have a pressure gauge on mine which meant I could not be accurate when filling my tires with air. On nearly every eScooter tire, you'll find a recommended PSI to re-inflate your tire to. For example, mine is 50 PSI. The bike pump on the right is made by Schwinn. It's very inexpensive and includes a pressure gauge for accurate tire pumping.

Where can I buy Slime?

The easiest way to get it is to purchase Slime on Amazon. In fact, Amazon sells all different size Slime from 4 oz all the way to a giant 1 gallon container. Do yourself a favor and Slime your tire today. Your rides will be longer, and worry free!

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