February 24

Mii2 Launches the YOO2 eScooter



At an invite-only launch event in Tel Aviv in December, Israeli eScooter manufacturer Mii2 launched a new model flagship model for the brand called the YOO2. At the event, 300 customers who had prepaid for the new YOO2 eScooter were able to pick up their brand new scooters and also purchase new accessories designed with the YOO2 in mind. 

Brand new Mii2 YOO2s ready for their new owners.

YOO2 press conference

Customers were able to be face to face with the knowledgable Mii2 employees at the event in order to learn about the full set of features that came with their new eScooters. Also, demo rides were held as part of the education process. Customers had a closed off area in order to feel out the new eScooter model.

What's special about the YOO2?

The YOO2 is the newest version of the large format scooter in the Mii2 product line and shares a lot of similarities with the previous Mii2 2018/2019 models with a few changes and refinements.

The frame of the YOO2 saw some drastic improvements to the design although it uses the same lightweight aluminum as its predecessors, and it still comes in around 34 pounds. This is (on average) about 5 pounds under almost all of its competitors eScooters on the market. 

the Mii2 Yoo2 with a new owner.

As per usual, this eScooter includes a 250w brushless hub motor paired with a 48V 13AH battery. With these kinds of specs, it's interesting to think about how well this eScooter does in the speed and acceleration department. It just goes to show you that you don't need a super powerful hub motor if the design is right. Even more cool, the YOO2 is rated for a climb on a 20 degree slope. 

The front stem includes a new folding mechanism that was first found on the Stand 2.0 which also released recently. The new mechanism looks significantly more sturdy than the previous version.

The new (much) wider handlebar includes super-comfortable grips. The wider handlebars will certainly provide more stability in the ride and more control, while the grips only serve a purpose of comfort. 

Who is Mii2?

A brand new Mii2 YOO2

Mii2 has been at the top of the eScooter game for quite a while, although they have not expanded too far beyond the borders of Israel as of yet. 

Known for their unique and creative designs and colors, Mii2 has been known for making scooters with great range and speed, and all at a weight far less than most of their competitors. The previous Mii2 2018 and 2019 models boasted a range close to 30 miles per hour and speeds averaging around 15 miles per hour, all while still weighing in just over 30 pounds. In fact, the Mii2 2019 was our favorite ride of 2019.

Additional Specs

  • Max Range: 28 miles
  • Cruise Speed: 15 mph
  • 250W Brushless Hub Motor
  • LG Battery: 48V, 13AH
  • 10" pneumatic tires with front/rear disc brakes
  • Longer wheelbase for stability
  • Front/Rear Lights and LED side strips
  • Frame: 6061 Aluminum
  • Maximum Load: 264lbs
  • Wide handlebars + comfort grips
  • redesigned folding assembly
  • Electric brake system
  • 5 Colors available (white, black, red, lime, teal)

We're really looking forward to getting our hands on the new Mii2 products for 2020 to do some full reviews. For the time being, you can read what we said about the previous Mii2 model in this line, which was our favorite ride of 2019.

Want to know...

What the best accessories are for your brand new eScooter? Check out our list of our favorite accessories on the market that will help make your ride easier, more fun, and even more safe!

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